Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish
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About Us
It is a welcoming, prayerful place with a blending of many different ethnic peoples, languages, customs and ways of praying.
Our Church is situated off South Street (Collick St) “…High on the Hill, Close to the Sea and on the way to Fremantle. Our Parish Church is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is a welcoming, prayerful place with a blending of many different ethnic peoples, languages, customs and ways of praying. Richness of Carmelite Spirituality permeates the air, under the guidance of the Mother of Carmel and the Holy Saints- Therese of Lieisex, Teresa of Avila and Edith Stein. They and the Carmelite Fathers have nurtured in us the spirit of giving, prayerfulness, silence and joy.
Our Vision & Mission
Vision: “Working together for an Evangelizing and Vibrant Community”
Our Mission: “Our mission is to reach out the needy, to be inclusive of all cultural and ethnic people of all ages. Hospitality, Stewardship, Creative Liturgy with uplifting music is our special focus.”
Our History
The original Church School which was blessed and opened on March 7th 1954 dedicated to “Our Lady of the Assumption.” The Carmelite Fathers arrived on 7th June 1956 Parish/School name was changed and dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in September 1956. Community gathered for worship on week days and weekends in the multi-purpose hall having classes for the children for a number of years. For many years the community discussed the need of a new church and their dream came true after hard work and many fundraising programs such as ‘Buy a Brick’ and Lamington sale and so on. In 1997-A NEW PARISH CHURCH was built after more than 10 years of planning, praying, census and consensus
“Working together for an Evangelizing and Vibrant Community“
Who We Are
Our Parish Ministry Team
Parish Priest: Fr Michael Separovich
Parish Secretary: Tereza Camacho
Safeguarding Officer: Brigette Liddelow – 0432 908 980
Avila Retirement Village Secretary: Judy Rowlands – 0448 205 283
Parish RE Coordinator: TBA
OLMC Primary School RE: Julie Kay
OLMC Primary School: 9269 2000
Seton Catholic College Website: http://www.seton.wa.edu.au/olmc-parish
Parish Ministries:
Parish Pastoral Council:
Stewardship Ministry:
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy Team Ministry:
Art and Environment:
Proclaimers and Commentators:
Acolytes and altar Servers:
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Eucharist:
Religious Education for children
Music Ministry:
Hospitality, Social and Fundraising Ministry:
Legion of Mary and Piety Stall
St. Vincent De Paul Conference:
Youth Ministry:
Sacraments of initiation
“Our mission is to reach out the needy, to be inclusive of all cultural and ethnic people of all ages. Hospitality, Stewardship, Creative Liturgy with uplifting music is our special focus.”